Organiek Mechaniek

Jakobe Geens

This might sound familiar: you really don't feel like doing something but there's a tiny voice in your head telling you that "you have to". With a big word, we call that voice your 'alter ego', which is Latin for 'your other I'. Do you also have two I's? Do you sometimes look at that other version of you in the mirror? When you're talking to yourself, do you sometimes both burst out laughing? And can you feel lonely even in the company of two I's?

Organiek Mechaniek uses sound, movement and bicycle acrobatics to show that what's mechanical can in fact become organic. The show reinvents the (bicycle) wheel to make everything come 'full circle'.


  • Concept & direction: Jakobe Geens
  • Acrobatics: Jakobe Geens, Josse De Broeck
  • Direction: Carina Bonan, Christian Gmulder
  • Dramaturgy: Marie Peeters
  • Music: Youri van Uffelen
  • Costumes: Chris Snik
  • Set & props: Emma Ribbens, Joris Jansens, Rune Tuerlinckx, Arthur Van de Velde
  • Production: Gedachtegang vzw, De Studio
  • Coproduction: Circ’uit, Miramiro, PERPLX, Cultuurcentrum De Spil
  • Distribution: Thassos

Special thanks to

Theater op de Markt, Blikfabriek, Circolito, De Vlaamse Overheid, Theater FroeFroe