Fall 2024: Maybe Tal Vez

During the 2024 fall break, Inés Fraile Bernabeu and Oscar Cartwright from Maybe Tal Vez experimented extensively for their project Don't Say Macb*th!.
Inés balances on a globe, while Oscar does the same on tightwire: two somewhat less popular disciplines at circus schools, but with their new performance, they aim to change that. "It's about so much more than just standing on it and not falling off," Inés explains.
Although falling is indeed an essential part of their research, as Don't Say Macb*th! also explores superstitions in the arts and the bizarre customs performers have to avoid failure. "Just as many actors fearfully avoid saying the title of that famous Shakespeare play aloud in a theater, there are performers in the circus who, for example, will never wear yellow during a show or rehearsal."
Oscar and Inés, like the famous English bard himself, write plays and will incorporate their own texts as well as Shakespeare's into the performance. With red curtains hung on the tightwire, the theater will also be visually brought to life.
Through this, Maybe Tal Vez hopes to deliver a unique blend of acrobatics, clowning, comedy and drama. "Precisely because in globe and tightwire, falling literally only takes one small misstep, they are ideal disciplines to push that fear of failure to the extreme."