Summer 2023: Les Hommes Andersom

During their MAD-residency in the summer of 2023, Tars Vandebeek and Mathias Goethals worked on their performance Les Hommes Andersom .
In Les Hommes Andersom, they bring together their artistic worlds. At the intersection of ballet, acrobatics, contemporary dance, and dance theater, the duo creates a new choreographic language.
Compagnie Pilolabo creates performances where art forms are interwoven, setting the tone with Les Hommes Andersom. It is an abstract performance exposing the connection and tension between the two players, delving into each other's worlds. The premiere took place in October 2023 at the Vitrine by Perplx.
"In the past residencies, we focused mainly on research and creating material. This residency marks the beginning of three weeks where we truly start bringing the piece together and tying it all up. It's a very exciting moment where everything starts to take real shape," say Tars and Mathias.